Saturday, February 25, 2017

car accident

Today I was reminiscing about my car accident history. My first was soon after I got my license at 17 or 18 years old. My little car was hit broadside by a much bigger stronger-built vehicle which did mine a lot of damage. It wasn't my fault as the other driver was in the wrong, but it probably could have been avoided if I had more driving experience.

The second accident was when I was 22 years old. The driver was on my side of the road unfortunately, coming from the other direction. He crossed over the line and hit me head on. I was hurt and badly shaken up and taken away in an ambulance, my car totaled. I remember knocking on someone's door in the area and using their phone since it was way before cell phones... back in 1982. I was lucky or blessed or whatever you want to call it. I didn't have a seat belt on and had some cuts and scrapes. I got stitches and two black eyes to deal with for a while since my head hit and broke the windshield.

This accident wasn't my fault either.

The driver was going much too fast around a corner I could not see around... nor could he ... and the road was wet. This could have ended my life right there. I got a bit of insurance money for the car and for pain and suffering... I bet I could have gotten much more if I were the suing type.... I still have the scars....

Yesterday's accident was much less dramatic. I was slowly stopping at a red light near my home. I was stopped when the car behind me decided he'd use my car to stop his... instead of his breaks.

Again, not my fault. This guy was definitely a distracted driver and only he would be able to tell what actually happened. Was he talking on his phone? Was he texting? Was he looking down at messages. Just what was he doing other than paying attention to actually driving? There are unfortunately many people like that on the roads today.

So I'll now need to get it repaired and all the inconvenience of that. But the good thing is of course that no one was hurt.  It could have been worse ... and it reminded me that I haven't been in an accident in 35 years! Certainly something to be grateful for!

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